***We will be CLOSED on Tuesday January 21st, 2025***
***We will be CLOSED on Tuesday January 21st, 2025***
*Per Firearm*
Handgun, Rifle, Shotgun, Muzzleloader, High Velocity Pellet Gun (Muzzle Velocity Exceeding 700 fps or Greater & projectile exceeding .18 inch).
Handgun, Rifle, Shotgun, Muzzleloader, High Velocity Pellet Gun (Muzzle Velocity Exceeding 700 fps or Greater & projectile exceeding .18 inch).
FFL Transfers being shipped from us to another FFL dealer.
(Shipping is extra and is determined by shipping service selected, weight, package dimensions, and optional insurance)
Some Restrictions Apply
Discount applies to Active or "Retired" Sworn & State Certified Full / Part Time Police Officers. Active or "Retired" State Certified Firefighters. Active or "Retired" Municipal Employed EMT/Paramedic.
Must bring I.D. badge and provide proof of Membership
Please reach us at info@maslonarmory.com if you cannot find an answer to your question.
Do not worry if you received tracking notification that a delivery attempt was made. There is NO NEED TO CONTACT US if this occurs. Although we are only open Tuesday evening and Saturday (Temporary Hours of Operation), there is someone present only to sign for, accept, and secure the packages on days we are not open for business.
So if you receive an undelivered package notification any time during the week, don't worry. The delivery service will make another attempt the next available business day. The package will not be abandoned outside the business or returned to the seller. All packages require signature to be released to us. Delivery services such as UPS, FedEx, and USPS will make at a minimum (3) three attempts to deliver a package before it is held at their hub for pickup and then returned to the seller if not picked up.
After package is delivered and you receive notification, please wait to receive a call or email notification from us that the package is available for pickup. Please do not show up outside of business hours as the person checking in the packages is unable to process your background check.
When buying a firearm through an online retailer, select Maslon Armory as your transferring FFL during the checkout process. We are on file with the majority of online retailers. If we are not on file with the retailer, you can continue the checkout process and then contact us after the purchase is made. Simply forward us the confirmation email with the purchase information and order number to info@maslonarmory.com and we will submit our FFL to the retailer for transfer.
After the firearm is purchased and shipped, it will take a few days for the firearm to arrive to us. Once we do receive your firearm, we will need to open up the package, check the enclosed documentation, and verify the serial number (This takes some time due to us receiving 10-20 packages daily on average from the shipping services). After everything is checked in, we will log your firearm into our records. After your firearm is logged in, we will then call you to come in at your earliest convenience for background paperwork and pick-up (Even though you may receive a notification through the retailer or the shipping service that the package was delivered, please wait for us to contact you after the firearm has been checked in and logged into the records).
Valid and current Drivers License or State I.D
Valid and current FOID Card or CCL Card
Green Card (Permanent Resident Card) if applicable.
The waiting period starts when the agreement is reached with the seller. It need not be the FFL making the transfer of the firearm. If the firearm was paid for and/or shipped from another FFL, the waiting period began prior to when the FFL conducting the transfer received the firearm.
The waiting period begins when the buyer and seller reach an agreement. FFLs need to document how the waiting period was observed. The documentation needs to be verifiable and consistent with each purchaser.
The actual transfer of the firearm cannot take place until there is an approval from the FTIP Background system, regardless of when the agreement was reached. If the FFL receives a transaction number, they cannot complete the transfer until they receive an approval.
Copyright © 2025 Maslon Armory - All Rights Reserved.